July 07, 2010

Number 19. Take my nephews to the aquarium.

On Saturday of the holiday weekend, Brian and I took Denis (4) and Billy (almost 3) to the aquarium. It was quite the adventure. We took the bus over and got there around 11:30 along with hundreds of other people. All Billy wanted to see were sharks and penguins. We walked all around and got to see sharks, jelly fish, lots of penguins, some seahorses and played around in the "petting zoo" part. The boys loved it.

Denis was highly distracted by the giant sea turtle

Checking out the harbor seals

Posing for the camera

We ended the day with a little lunch and some Golden Tee


  1. They are AAADORABLE!! And I am SURE you sister appreciated some big boy free time!! (didn't she have another babe?!?!)

  2. Yeah she had a girl on June 10th, so the free time was highly appreciated.
